Introducing UIH: Math + Unicode, Happy Together

As a math person, you’re often faced with the task of communicating about math. Unfortunately, most modern means of communication, be it email, the web or instant messages, aren’t really suited to typing math. Fortunately, however, many of these means do allow the use of Unicode, and Unicode …

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First real public release of Synoptic

I’m happy to announce the first truly public release of Synoptic, my own web-based dynamic note taking application. If you find yourself lost in a jumble of either paper notes, text files on a hierarchical file system, or an overgrown Tomboy wiki, and find yourself craving order, categories, and …

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On Hybrid Scientific Codes, Part I: The Idea

How should scientific codes be constructed? Scientific codes are often experimental in nature, and therefore need to be easy to change, and, of course, quick to develop in the first place—who wants to invest any more than necessary into an idea that might not work out after all? On …

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Fermat’s Last Python Script

def fermat(n):
    """Returns triplets of the form x^n + y^n = z^n.
    Warning! Untested with n > 2.
    from itertools import count
    for x in count(1):
        for y in range(1, x+1):
            for z in range(1, x**n+y**n + 1):
                if x**n + y**n …
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