Index of /cs357-f14/public/demos/06-orthogonality/
Complete QR vs Reduced QR.html 22-Oct-2014 01:29 193169
Complete QR vs Reduced QR.ipynb 19-Dec-2014 17:44 2748
Complete QR vs Reduced 22-Oct-2014 01:29 779
Data Fitting with Least Squares.html 22-Oct-2014 01:29 223067
Data Fitting with Least Squares.ipynb 19-Dec-2014 17:44 30241
Data Fitting with Least 22-Oct-2014 01:29 1540
Gram-Schmidt and Modified Gram-Schmidt.html 22-Oct-2014 01:29 201247
Gram-Schmidt and Modified Gram-Schmidt.ipynb 19-Dec-2014 17:44 6512
Gram-Schmidt and Modified 22-Oct-2014 01:29 1847
Keeping track of coefficients in Gram-Schmidt.html 22-Oct-2014 01:29 198654
Keeping track of coefficients in Gram-Schmidt.i..> 19-Dec-2014 17:44 3781
Keeping track of coefficients in 22-Oct-2014 01:29 1515
Making vectors orthogonal.html 22-Oct-2014 01:29 206985
Making vectors orthogonal.ipynb 19-Dec-2014 17:44 17010
Making vectors 22-Oct-2014 01:29 720
Orthogonal projection.html 22-Oct-2014 01:29 293400
Orthogonal projection.ipynb 19-Dec-2014 17:44 96229
Orthogonal 22-Oct-2014 01:29 1730
Orthogonalizing three vectors.html 22-Oct-2014 01:29 191644
Orthogonalizing three vectors.ipynb 19-Dec-2014 17:44 2165
Orthogonalizing three 22-Oct-2014 01:29 617
breast-cancer-train.dat 19-Dec-2014 17:44 65316
breast-cancer-validate.dat 19-Dec-2014 17:44 56927