In [7]:
from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pt

import scipy.sparse as sps

We'll solve

\(u''+1000(1+x^2)u=0\) on \((-1,1)\)

with \(u(-1)=3\) and \(u(1)=-3\).

In [160]:
n = 500
mesh = np.linspace(-1, 1, n)
h = mesh[1] - mesh[0]
In [145]:
A = sps.diags(
    shape=(n, n))

if n < 10:
    print A.todense()

Need to restrict to middle rows!

In [153]:
second_deriv = ...

if n < 10:
    print second_deriv.todense()

(Edit this cell for solution)

In [154]:
factor = sps.diags(
    [1000*(1 + mesh[1:]**2)],
    shape=(n-2, n))

if n < 10:
    print mesh[1:-1]
    print factor.todense()
In [155]:
A_int = second_deriv+factor

if n < 10:
    print A_int.todense()
In [156]:
A = sps.vstack([
    sps.coo_matrix(([1], ([0],[0])), shape=(1, n)),
    sps.coo_matrix(([1], ([0],[n-1])), shape=(1, n)),
A = sps.csr_matrix(A)

if n < 10:
    print A.todense()
In [157]:
rhs = np.zeros(n)

(Edit this cell for solution.)

In [158]:
import scipy.sparse.linalg as sla

sol = sla.spsolve(A, rhs)
In [159]:
pt.plot(mesh, sol)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x5d0e610>]
In [136]: