Introducing UIH: Math + Unicode, Happy Together

As a math person, you’re often faced with the task of communicating about math. Unfortunately, most modern means of communication, be it email, the web or instant messages, aren’t really suited to typing math. Fortunately, however, many of these means do allow the use of Unicode, and Unicode …

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Debug Python in Style

I’m happy to introduce PuDB, a full-screen, console-based visual debugger for Python that I recently cooked up.

Download it here

Or install it simply by typing

easy_install pudb

into your Unix shell. Here’s a screenshot of it in action:

PuDB screenshot

Python has had decent debugging support for a while …

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World Builder

From the department of “what’s Andreas wacthing on Vimeo“: Here’s something amazing you can apparently do with one day of filming and two years of post-production.

World Builder from Bruce Branit on Vimeo.

One thing I could especially relate to about this video is the feeling of time-constrained …

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